Sunday, March 17, 2013

Around the Blogs...

It's been an interesting week and I'm playing catch up...

And as I was reminded, Happy St. Patty's Day!!! Green beer and all... LOL

From American Perspective-  Happy St. Patty's

From Peter- Bad news from the economic arena... Sigh...

From Borepatch- A heartwarming story...

From Brigid- Memories of Ireland!

From Guffaw- While not a 'win' at least one judge doesn't like secret letters from the FBI to providers.

From Heels and Handguns- Something we can actually USE, a sight pusher to fit multiple guns!

From LL- Dealing with pensions in California, and the results of the Orange County lawsuits...

From Mule Dung and Ash- Sunday funnies, good ones as always!

From RobertaX- An interesting proposal... 

Good folks, interesting discussions, and lots of things worth reading!


  1. Aww, linkfests are hard work and much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. It's St PADDY's Day, have a good one... Dammit
